The Need For This Course

Structured Trade and Commodity Finance revolve around identifying and managing the risks associated with International Trade and Commodity Finance.  Prior to the Latin American financial crisis in the 1980s, Banks involved in international commodity finance relied on financial analysis and Government guarantees for ascertaining the credit worthiness of the borrowers.  The assessments were enhanced by tangible assets as collateral.  These traditional tools were later found to be inadequate to deal with increasing economic and political risks in transitional markets.  These inadequacies resulted in a range of innovative and structured commodity financing techniques to mitigate the risks of losses and evaluate the potential losses associated with financing off-shore trading transactions.


It has long been recognized that expertise in one component of a trade finance deal is not enough for financiers.  A detailed understanding of all components is essential to protect the financiers and their clients’ interests.  It is against this backdrop that this 5 – day interactive and practical course was designed.



On completion of this 3 – Day course, participants are expected to have gained:

  • Knowledge and Skill of the Structured Approach to Trade and Commodity Finance;
  • A Practical Understanding of Risk and Commercial Priorities of Lenders and Borrowers in International Finance;
  • Understanding of Trade and Commodity Financing Instruments;
  • Knowledge of Commodity Trading;
  • Identification of Commodities Exchanges;
  • Using of Irrevocable, Confirmed and Back-to-back Letters of Credit to meet the Objectives of Buyers and Sellers; and
  • Techniques of Hedging Against Changes in Commodities’ Value.

Course Content

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METHODOLOGY: Interactive lectures, discussions, syndicate works and experiential learning.

TARGET AUDIENCE: This course was designed for all those who wish to learn how to analyze and structure trade and commodity finance.  Top on the list are the following professionals/staff in:

  1. Foreign Operations Department
  2. Trade Finance and Treasury
  3. Risk Managers
  4. Commercial and Investment Banking
  5. Credit Analysis Department.

DURATION: 3 days

COURSE FEE:   Negotiable

DATES: Client’s Decision

Available as in-plant

Course Code: (BF/2024/BOAZ /05)

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