The Need For This Course

The practice of Microfinance banking in Nigeria is challenged by six principal factors which militate against the success of many Microfinance banks and threaten their survival. These factors are;

  • Corporate Governance issue;
  • Lack of knowledge and Skill in Microfinancing;
  • Poor credit administration which leads to delinquency and eventual default;
  • Apathy towards risk management;
  • Dearth of creativity and innovation in product design and marketing

Microfinance banking has its peculiarities that call for peculiar knowledge and skill. Since nobody can give what it does not have, the imperative of adequate training and re-training of management and staff of Microfinance Institutions can never be over-emphasized. This is the reason why Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) have set the minimum mandatory requirements for those who may occupy the key top management positions in Microfinance banks, which have made it compulsory that all Management staff of Microfinance banks in Nigeria should acquire the Professional Certificate in Microfinance Banking issued by Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria on the successful completion of Microfinance Certification Programme. The essence of the certification is to ensure that top management executives of Microfinance Banks have the requisite knowledge and skills to operate and manage the institutions successfully so that Microfinance policy objectives are achieved.

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The Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria conducts Professional Examination in Microfinance banking two times in a year viz:

  • April Diet
  • October Diet

TARGET AUDIENCE: All Management and Staff of Microfinance Banks

DURATION: 8 days for each level

COURSE FEE:   Negotiable

DATES: Client’s Decision

Available as open programme and in-plant

Course Code: (MFB/2024/25)

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