The Need For This Course
The Primary function of a Bank in particular and a Financial Institution in general is lending i.e. booking of loans. In carrying out this very important function, the Bank must ensure that the credits created will be repaid by the loanees. The process of credit (loan) creation starts with the loan officers establishing relationship on behalf of the Bank with the prospective loan beneficiaries. Care must be taken to ensure that the relationship is strategic (long lasting with mutual benefits to the Bank and Customers).
It has long been recognized that first impression last long, hence loan officers must be well equipped with the knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Relationship Management which comprises:
- Interpersonal relationship
- Client’s retention strategy
- Client’s Selection
- Loan Analysis
The loan officers must have the mindset that the Client is the King.
It is against this backdrop that this 2-day Training on Banker-Customer Relationship Management was designed.
At the end of this two-day interactive course, Participants should be able to:
- Select Bankable loan customers
- Acquire relevant Relationship Management Skills necessary for effective business management
- Appraise individual and group loan applications
- Monitor disbursed loans to ensure strict adherence of the loan beneficiaries to the repayment Schedule
- Build a good ‘Partnership’ between the Microfinance Institution and its loan customers.
- Make the relationship a worthwhile experience for the Microfinance Bank and the loan customers.
Course Content
METHODOLOGY: Interactive Lecture, Discussions, Role Play and Case Study
TARGET AUDIENCE: Loan officers of Microfinance Banks
DURATION: 2 days
COURSE FEE: Negotiable
DATES: Client’s Decision
Available as open programme and in-plant
Course Code: (MFB/2024/18)