The Need For This Course

Agricultural business in Nigeria is fraught with a lot of uncertainties and vulnerabilities. While some of these uncertainties and vulnerabilities are within the control of the farmer, a lot are outside his control. It is because of the risks that are inherent in the significant Agricultural business activities that make most of the financial institutions in the country shy away from lending to this vital sector. While it is highly imperative to promote the sector by making financial services available to it, the lenders rightly believe that the risks in the sector will ultimately be transferred to them, hence the sector is denied of adequate funding. In view of the prevalent situation, the lenders to this vulnerable and critical sector of the economy should be well equipped with competencies in Risk Management; hence this course is designed for the lending institutions to the Agricultural Sector of the economy.


At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify various risks in Agricultural business;
  2. Plan their operations;
  3. Identify, sensitize and mobilize catchment communities;
  4. Form and manage/verify groups.
  5. Manage the loan process from origination through disbursement, tracking and monitoring and supervision.
  6. Understand the financial position, determine profitability and sustainability status of the unit through the use of financial Analysis.
  7. Interpret financial statements so as to understand organizational position and improve performance.

Course Content

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TARGET CLIENT: Credit staff, Risk Management staff

METHODOLOGY: Ice breakers, interactive lecture, case studies, syndicate session and experiential learning methods.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Senior Staff and above

DURATION: 5 days

COURSE FEE:   Negotiable

DATES: Client’s Decision

Available as in-plant

Course Code: (AGR/2024/BOAZ /01)

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